AHStream - Blogger Template Streaming

AHStream - Blogger Template Streaming
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Template ini merupakan tema yang sudah tidak diurus 1-2 tahunan lalu dan akhirnya bisa diselesaikan juga. tema ini mengambil desain dari https://animeidhentai.com dan mengikuti fitur-fitur yang tersedia dari web tersebut.

Source All Material

  • https://animeidhentai.com/
  • https://web.telegram.org/
  • https://onlinetexttools.com/url-encode-text
  • https://blog.devanka.id/2021/12/formulir-bot-telegram.html
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XywlqfLl57g
  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/css-webkit-appearance/
  • https://fontawesome.com/
  • http://jquery.com/
  • https://cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery
  • https://www.dayat.id/2022/07/bloggerscript-javascript-library-khusus.html
  • https://github.com/siwaluh/BloggerScript
  • https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/
  • https://fonts.google.com/
  • https://firebase.google.com/
  • https://cdn.firebase.com/js/client/2.2.1/firebase.js
Last Update 05 Agustus 2024
Created 02 April 2024
Tema Blogger Versi 3
Tema Rasgane Gen 4
RTL Support No


Versi 1.1.0
Coming Soon!
Versi 1.0.0

Pengaturan Awal


Sebelum menggunakan tema ada beberapa hal yang di lakukan terlebih dahulu, agar tidak terjadi bug atau terjadinya error.

  1. Sesuaikan zona waktu dengan wilayah masing - masing. Time Zone
  2. Buat 6 atau lebih postingan untuk awal pemasangan sebagai pondasi/dasar, bisa juga menggunakan demo post dalam folder tema.
  3. Atur filter label Resolusi, Language dan Genre pada Tata Letak.
  4. Aktifkan HTTPS, Lazy loading images dan WebP image serving pada pengaturan blogger. HTTPS

    Lazy loading images an WebP image serving

1. Header

1.1 Header Logo

Cuma bisa text saja.

1.2 Header Menu

Atur seperti menggunakan Widget Linklist biasanya.

2. Custom Post

2.1 Custom Post Slider Single Artikel

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Custom_Post_Slider > lalu klik Widget Link List > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

Name Deskripsi Contoh
Label isi bagian URL situs dengan Nama Label yang kalian inginkan,jika ingin post yang terbaru bisa isi dengan 0. Data A Live,Naruto,One Piece
Max isi bagian URL situs dengan Jumlah Post Harus di isi!!. 1,2,3,4,5,other

2.2 Custom Post Tabs Slider 1 dan 2

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Custom_Post_1/Thema_Custom_Post_2 > lalu klik Widget Link List > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

Name Deskripsi Contoh
Label isi bagian URL situs dengan Nama Label yang kalian inginkan,jika ingin post yang terbaru bisa isi dengan 0. Data A Live,Naruto,One Piece
Max isi bagian URL situs dengan Jumlah Post Harus di isi!!. 1,2,3,4,5,other

2.3 Custom Post Slider 1,2,3,4,5

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Custom_Post_3 - Thema_Custom_Post_7 > lalu klik Widget Link List > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

Name Deskripsi Contoh
Label isi bagian URL situs dengan Nama Label yang kalian inginkan,jika ingin post yang terbaru bisa isi dengan 0. Data A Live,Naruto,One Piece
Max isi bagian URL situs dengan Jumlah Post Harus di isi!!. 1,2,3,4,5,other

3. Label Genre Slider

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Label_Footer > lalu klik Widget Labels > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

4. Post/Postingan

4.1 Post Default

Buat Post/Postingan seperti biasanya.

4.2 Post Stream

Buat Post/Postingan seperti biasanya dengan label pemanggil Streaming.

<!-- Thunbnail is here -->
<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhLu_1XF9jCgIus27rTXhyoxQMByeuG8t7fXQ3uz8PcQGdUKy0FLg59tL_hyphenhyphenPVLG3wSUOItiZrsXVS2k67IXqI1q57POYetrAsFVYq0jnUqtfFvNUlYOZbX2tvKfQUyGQ_J2xoYTCuYcUd7qrp9OifhTCxzsVhgBcOg-yvsJ5cJ4zlaC1h64JedNJ9mlf8/s1600/140306.webp" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" data-original-height="300" data-original-width="225" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhLu_1XF9jCgIus27rTXhyoxQMByeuG8t7fXQ3uz8PcQGdUKy0FLg59tL_hyphenhyphenPVLG3wSUOItiZrsXVS2k67IXqI1q57POYetrAsFVYq0jnUqtfFvNUlYOZbX2tvKfQUyGQ_J2xoYTCuYcUd7qrp9OifhTCxzsVhgBcOg-yvsJ5cJ4zlaC1h64JedNJ9mlf8/s1600/140306.webp"/></a></div>

<!-- Synopsis is here -->
<p class="d_description" id="Sinopsis">
  The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such individual.
  Since he was a child, the ambitious middle schooler has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Izuku's unfair fate leaves him admiring heroes and taking notes on them whenever he can. But it seems that his persistence has borne some fruit: Izuku meets the number one hero and his personal idol, All Might. All Might's quirk is a unique ability that can be inherited, and he has chosen Izuku to be his successor!
  Enduring many months of grueling training, Izuku enrolls in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for its excellent hero training program, and this year's freshmen look especially promising. With his bizarre but talented classmates and the looming threat of a villainous organization, Izuku will soon learn what it really means to be a hero.


<!-- Label Next And Prev -->
<div class="setting_post">[Label_ID]</div>

<!-- Information is here -->
<div class="d_info">
  <span><b>Title:</b> Hello Word</span>
  <span><b>Title:</b> Hello Word</span>
  <span><b>Title:</b> Hello Word</span>
  <span><b>Title:</b> Hello Word</span>
  <span><b>Title:</b> Hello Word</span>
  <span><b>Title:</b> Hello Word</span>

<!-- Server Server -->
<span class="server_st" data-server="[URL_SERVER]">[NAME_SERVER]</span>
<span class="server_st" data-server="[URL_SERVER]">[NAME_SERVER]</span>
<span class="server_st" data-server="[URL_SERVER]">[NAME_SERVER]</span>
Name Status Deskripsi Contoh
Mode Post Streaming Harus Tambahkan Label pada postingan untuk Memanggil fungsi Postingan Streaming Streaming
[Label_ID] Harus Tambahkan Label pada postingan dan [Label_ID] untuk Memanggil fungsi Next And Prev. Data A Live,Naruto,One Piece
Resolution Opsional Sebagai Informasi Resolution 240p,360p,480p,720p,1080p,other
Genre Opsional Sebagai Informasi Genre Action,Adventure,Fantasy,other
Musim/Tahun Opsional Sebagai Informasi Musim/Tahun 2001,2002,Winter 2022,other
Language Opsional Sebagai Informasi Language Indonesia,Japan,English,other
[URL_SERVER] Opsional Isi dengan url sever streaming. https://www.youtube.com/embed/WOELbxxtELA https://player-tools.blogspot.com/?player=jwpl&provider=rand&format=video%2Fmp4&link=https%3A%2F%2Fmystorageindo.com%2F%5B1710342755%5D%5BAnimeIndo%5D_Youkoso_Jitsuryoku_Shijou_Shugi_no_Kyoushitsu_e_Season_3_%5BEPS_11%5D_%5B480P%5D_24937.mp4
[NAME_SERVER] Opsional Isi dengan nama sever streaming. Youtube Google Drive

5. Page/Halaman

Buat Page/Halaman seperti biasanya.

6. Footer

6.1 Footer Catatan

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_footer_atas_kiri > lalu klik Widget HTML/JavaScript > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

6.1 Footer Catatan

6.2 Footer Image

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_footer_atas_kanan > lalu klik Widget Image > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

6.2 Footer Image

6.3 Footer Menu

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Menu_Footer > lalu klik Widget Linklist > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – Edit Widget Linklist seperti biasanya.

6.3 Footer Menu

7. Settings Default

7.1 Url Firebase

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget HTML/JavaScript > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

7.1 Url Firebase

7.2 PageNumber

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget Linklist (Settings) > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – cari PageNumber dan ganti site URL dengan jumlah pengaturan jumlah post yang sudah diatur.

7.3 Comment

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget Linklist (Settings) > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – cari Comment dan ganti site URL dengan 0 1 2.

Kode Deskripsi
0 Mengaktifkan komen default Blogger
1 Mengaktifkan komen Disqus Klik Buttom
2 Mntuk mengaktifkan komen Disqus Load Viewport

7.4 disqus_shortname

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget Linklist (Settings) > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – cari disqus_shortname dan ganti site URL dengan disqus shortname.

7.5 noThumbnail_Horizontal

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget Linklist (Settings) > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – cari noThumbnail_Horizontal dan ganti site URL dengan URL Image.

7.6 noThumbnail_Vertikal

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget Linklist (Settings) > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – cari noThumbnail_Horizontal dan ganti site URL dengan URL Image.

7.7 Url_Report

jangan diedit atau di rubah.

7.8 Token_Bot_Telegram

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget Linklist (Settings) > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – cari Token_Bot_Telegram dan ganti site URL dengan Token Bot Telegram.

7.9 Id_grup_Telegram

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget Linklist (Settings) > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – cari Id_grup_Telegram dan ganti site URL dengan Id grup Telegram.

7.10 Mode_Streaming

A – Akses Tata Letak (Layout) blog kalian > cari Thema_Setting > lalu klik Widget Linklist (Settings) > dan klik tombol Edit Icon (Pensil).

B – cari Mode_Streaming dan ganti site URL dengan 0 1 2.

7.10 Mode_Streaming

Kode Deskripsi
0 Mengaktifkan mode 1 streaming
1 Mengaktifkan mode Dropdown streaming
2 Mntuk mengaktifkan mode Tabs streaming


V.1.1.0 - 05 Agustus 2025

  • Perbaiki Bug Setting tema
  • Menambahkan RasganeJS
  • Perbaiki Custom post Slider
  • Perbaiki Button Up
  • Perbaiki Komen
  • Menambahkan profil sebelah menu
  • Filter label Search

V.1.0.0 - 02 April 2024

  • Menambahkan BloggerScript Versi 1.2
  • Menambahkan skeleton loading
  • Menambahkan Owl Carousel 2
  • Menambahkan Font Awesome Versi 6.5.1
  • Menambahkan Jquery Versi 3.6.4
  • Menambahkan Firebase
  • Menambahkan Custom Post Slider
  • Menambahkan Views Post
  • Menambahkan Like dan Dislike
  • Menambahkan Streaming Versi Tunggal, Dropdown dan Tabs
  • Menambahkan Report Post Telegram Bot
  • Menambahkan Next dan Prev
  • Menambahkan Related Post
  • Menambahkan komen Blogger, Disqus Versi Buttom Klik dan Disqus Versi Load Viewport
  • Menambahkan mode post a,b, dan c


Mendapatkan Token Bot Telegram & Id grup Telegram

Tutorial bisa dilihat di postingan Mendapatkan Token Bot Telegram dan Id grup Telegram

Mendapatkan Disqus Shortname

Tutorial bisa dilihat di postingan Cara mengambil Shortname Disqus

Memasang Lisensi V4

Cara memasang lisensi sudah ada tutorialnya dalam halaman Lisensi V4

Cara Memasang Template Blogger

Tutorial bisa dilihat di postingan Cara Memasang Template Blogger


  1. Replies
    1. fabulous broo 🥰 btw when is the download link coming up ?

    2. maybe tomorrow if there are no problems

  2. On the web version that I cloned, I didn't see any information posts or series posts so I didn't add them. I just follow the website design

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. maybe for future reference ? in the upcoming updates ??

  5. may be added in future updates

  6. Tema akan dibagikan setelah dokumentasi web selesai.

  7. Berarti ini sama kayak seperti biasanya buat postingannya

  8. bro any schedule widget for ahstream ? for like upcoming anime ??

  9. bro how to remove this and add a custom button ?
    issue: https://ibb.co/CJHjFTQ

  10. I don't know, but basically it adds features that weren't added from the original theme

  11. bang, gambarnya diubah jadi 16:9 bisa gak ya?

    1. bisa saja, kamu bisa merubahnya menggunakan css. harus menguasai CSS dasar karena ada banyak yang harus dirubah .

  12. hey min, i've cloned an anime info page but it still have some minor bugs hope you can solve it ....

    file link : https://github.com/anix2040/Anime-WEBSITE/tree/main
    Cloned From : https://aniplaynow.live/anime/info/136804

    1. where is the bug?

    2. the anime poster and title were not getting responsive on mobile and tablet view that was the only issue

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. you are wrong to be on @media

    5. I have fixed my version

    6. demo : https://codepen.io/Berkas-Kita/full/PogazYR

    7. wow nicee !! thanks min !
      looks great !!
      maybe you should use it in the next update for ahstream 🌚👍🏻

  13. hey bro look at this i added it to AHstream

    Link: https://anixplay1.blogspot.com/2024/04/konosuba-gods-blessing-on-this.html

    1. it's good, just develop it again

    2. hey min , look at this just a few more things left to be added

      link : https://anixplay1.blogspot.com/2024/04/test-post-v2.html

    3. Just add mobile and tablet responsiveness

    4. i have problems in applying @media queries 😭

    5. this is the simple code https://codepen.io/Ras-Game/pen/jORvLpb
      hope it can be understood

  14. hey min , i got you something

    link : https://codepen.io/Jay-Tiwari-the-flexboxer/pen/abxPXjy

    maybe you can fix the javascript 🥺🥲

    1. I rarely use JQuery, so I don't understand much about JQuery

    2. I don't know yet, for now I'm still perfecting the theme of this blog.

    3. ohhh okay btw can you also add login feature on ahstream or just a theme switch button as on mobile view the upper right corner remains empty ??

    4. maybe, next time

    5. hey min , i want to learn how to create the swiper post blog1 widget for blogger
      can you please help me with that ?

    6. hhh, it's not that I don't want to help, but the explanation is quite long.

    7. ohh sorry can you please share any source ( if you get free time ) of the workflow of it ?
      for : owl carousel and slider post for blogger

    8. ok bro eagerly waiting 🌚

  15. by the way is rasgane v2 is based on tailwind css ?

  16. Hey min , any update for ahstream coming up ? and also the release date ?

  17. Replies
    1. Sorry for the inconvenience. In the last few months I have had a lot of work that needed to be done quickly, so I only had 1-2 hours per day to update old themes and create new themes. I'll reschedule maybe late July or early August. once again sorry for the inconvenience.

  18. Replies
    1. you just need to become a member, only $1 (Paypal) and $3 (Ko-fi)

  19. any update coming up min ? because the demo is removed

    1. yes, but there are not too many updates, just bug fixes and adding a profile to the side of the menu.

    2. hey min , what about the login system and filter search and also please add anime info page and streaming id type layout like hexanime like when we click play now in the post then i will take to a post containing episode .

      NOTE: login and filter search is must needed 😭

    3. search filter will definitely be added.

      login system is still a bit hesitant to be added because it has to be set individually before using it, and 95% of users don't want to read documentation and FAQ on each theme (same questions over and over again). but I will reconsider it.

      anime info page and episode/streaming list probably won't be added, because it follows the original version.

    4. hey min , what's up with ahstream update status ?

  20. hey min will there be more updates for ahstream ??

    1. The theme has been updated, you can check it in the member folder.

  21. cara downloadnya gimana ya

  22. Replies
    1. To get download access, you must join as a member.
